Sunday, August 27, 2006

He liked it . . . He loved it . . . He wanted MORE of it!!!

Satisfaction is mine! You just gotta know how to GET what you WANT !!!

So while having a nice lunch at the Mall of Ga. D all of a sudden becomes unsatisfied with his chosen menu: Green Beans and Turkey. His eyes quickly locked on a more attractive prize . . . FRENCH FRIES . . . "How dare daddy being engorging on these intricate figures without offering the prince to partake!"

"Hey Dad! Remove the greasy fingers please! I won't let this one get away! Trust me!"


Andrea said...

Another trip to the mall of GA-I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Mall of GA! JOe loves the carousel and the water fountain outside!

Anonymous said...

I havea french fry story for you the next time we get together! Davis is too cute!!!

Bethany said...

You better watch out. I know a little girl who knew "French Fry" by the sight of the golden arches!!! Davis is so cute. Livi is sitting her with me while I blog, and she was grabbing at Davis' face on the screen. I think think this girl is obsessed.